Deadly Plane Crash in Alaska Kills Two Onboard

The FAA has verified that an aircraft crashed on April 22nd close to Fairbanks, Alaska.

A fuel-laden Douglas C-54 aircraft went down in Fairbanks, Alaska’s Tanana River, just after boarding a flight from Fairbanks International Airport. The NTSB has verified that the accident happened mid-morning.

The incident is being investigated by the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), which has confirmed that the jet in question was being flown by Alaska Air Fuel as a Part 91 fuel transfer trip. The reason for the crash is unknown.

For the purpose of regulating the operation of private aircraft, the FAA established Part 91 of Title 14  Code of Federal Regulations (CFR).

After the collision, the plane went down a steep embankment and caught fire. According to the Alaska Department of Public Safety (ADPS), no survivors were recovered.

The NTSB has sent investigators to the location to retrieve the debris. Fairbanks International Airport has declared cooperation with the continuing inquiry.

The aircraft was identified by the Federal Aviation Administration as a Douglas C-54. The troopers determined that it was a DC-4 aircraft.

The C-54 is an upgraded military variant of the Douglas DC-4, an aircraft that flew during WWII. The majority of DC-4s had been converted to freighters because the aircraft’s typical seating capacity was 44 only passengers.

According to Clint Johnson, head of the National Transportation Safety Board’s Alaska regional office, the operator of the tower saw a massive smoke cloud, but it is still unknown what transpired between takeoff and the disaster.  Investigators from the NTSB are investigating the scene.

It took some time for other details, such as the flight’s intended purpose and final destination, to become accessible. Unfortunately, the exact reason for the accident of the Douglas DC-4 aircraft close to Fairbanks, Alaska, remains unknown.

The pilot, the plane, and the flight conditions are all factors in NTSB probes. This procedure includes the collection of data from a variety of sources, such as documents pertaining to aircraft maintenance, weather predictions, background checks on pilots, and any accessible surveillance footage.