Eric Trump Slams Prince Harry and Meghan Markle as ‘Spoiled Apples’

Eric Trump, son of presidential candidate Donald Trump, is no fan of Britain’s Prince Harry and his American wife, second-tier former actress Meghan Markle, and he’s generously offering to send them back over the Atlantic to England. 

Calling the quasi-royal couple “spoiled apples” (does he mean they ruined the entire bunch?), Eric Trump was quick to say that while his father, the Republican presidential nominee, has great respect for the UK and its monarchy, Eric Trump sees Harry and Meghan as “on a little bit of an island” all their own. It seems he’d like that island to be the British one containing England, Scotland, and Wales. 

As his father needs to maintain the respect of world leaders during his campaign, Eric noted that Donald Trump “loves” the UK and will be the kingdom’s best ally and presidential partner. The Trumps have long had cordial relations with the Windsors. 

Harry and Meghan are a different story, though. The senior Trump has not shied away from chastising the younger couple since they broke with the monarchy over allegations that the royal family somehow mistreated the couple. After this split, the Duchess and the Duke moved to the United States. 

Trump senior seems most agitated by what he perceives as Meghan Markle’s haughty and cavalier treatment of the royals, and especially of the late Queen Elizabeth II. Her majesty died in September, 2023 at 96 years of age. Trump has said he’s “not a fan” of Markle and found her very “disrespectful.” 

When reporters asked Eric Trump  if his father would publicize the status of Prince Harry’s American visa (a topic of recent public interest–is the Prince here legally?), the younger Trump refused to comment directly. 

But he made no bones about his distaste for Harry and Meghan, saying they contrast very poorly with the larger British royal family. He described the British monarchy as a “beautiful” institution that Americans admire. Harry and Meghan, on the other hand, are “bad actors” like the rotten apples that turn up in even the best orchards. 

He quipped that he did not know if the Brits really wanted Meghan and Harry anymore than America seems to.