Lara Trump, daughter-in-law of former president Donald Trump, has voiced voter fraud anxieties regarding the 2024 election. She wants the RNC to secure the ballots physically.
An estimated 100,000 Republican National Committee members and lawyers would be stationed at voting places to protect the vote and “ensure a big win.”
This action is taken in response to Republicans’ growing list of grievances on various voting methods, which has intensified after the Department of Justice charged Trump with four charges in August.
There was massive voter fraud, Trump claims, and he lost the election because of it.
Lara Trump’s remarks follow the Republican Party’s criticism of computerized voting methods and their assertions that massive voter fraud stole the 2020 election, which has led to calls for hand-counted votes.
My Pillow CEO and Trump supporter Mike Lindell has been a vocal opponent of electronic voting machines and a strong advocate for paper ballots. For $500, Lindell purchased wireless monitoring equipment that can detect whether voting machines are linked to the internet; he has stated his desire for paper ballots to be used in U.S. elections. Some have cast doubt on the reliability of the tracking devices.
Much of the country’s fear is if Trump loses the November election to President Joe Biden a second time, many will falsely claim election fraud again. To rescind the results of the last presidential election, Trump has been indicted twice on criminal charges. Meanwhile, he’s facing criminal charges in New York state for allegedly trying to hide hush money deals that may have impacted the 2016 election by altering company documents.
Both major parties often designate observers to monitor election administration and, on occasion, voter participation. Authorities and electoral officials may receive their reports of problems or anomalies. While each state has its laws regarding election observers, the National Conference of State Legislatures states that it is illegal for them to tamper with the voting process.
If Trump loses to Biden in November, the Trump family and its associates have been preparing the foundation of voting fraud accusations.