Levi Wright’s mother has spoken out about the difficult choices her family must make in the wake of her son’s brain damage, which he sustained after driving his toy tractor into a river in Utah.
The swift currents of the river held the young boy down under the water for a sufficient amount of time to render him brain dead, despite the heroic efforts of the mom diving into the dangerous waters to retrieve him.
Doctors were able to get his heart started after he was rushed to the hospital. Physicians informed the Wrights that Levi would not live due to his severely injured brain.
That was when Levi defied the odds and started to show signs of life. Levi will live, but what will be the quality of life?
The most challenging part of their trip is still ahead of them, according to Levi’s mother.
On Sunday, Kallie praised her son’s doctor for all that he did, and now that it’s time to consider her son’s future medical requirements, she is researching the therapies that have been suggested, reaching out to people who can help, and gathering the opinions of medical experts.
Taking things one day at a time is the only way to cope with the soul-destroying hand her family has been dealt. Even if the accident is comparable, no two brain injuries are identical since the phrase “Brain Injury” is quite general. A lot of information is unknown to medical professionals, and no two brains heal in the same way.
The sobering news is that the child’s prognosis is uphill. It was made clear that Levi wasn’t “fully coherent” or able to communicate quite yet. After briefly opening his eyes, he wriggled purposefully and had the distinct impression that he could hear and see them.
Kallie is grateful for the responding rescue teams that helped save Levi– Beaver County Search and Rescue, the Utah Highway Patrol, the Beaver County Sheriff’s Office, and Beaver firemen.
Following the administration of life-saving measures, he was swiftly transported to a hospital in Beaver County by ambulance.
Subsequently, he was taken to Salt Lake City by helicopter.
The Wright family is one of rodeo’s most illustrious lines; Spencer’s dad, Bill Wright, is a ProRodeo Hall of Fame inductee.