Trump Back On Campaign Trail as Democrats Face Tough Decision

In a festive mood, ex-president Donald Trump returned to the campaign trail on July 9th at his home state’s premier golf club while Democrats confronted difficult questions over Joe Biden’s reelection prospects.

While fewer concerned senators voiced their support for Biden’s continued run for president in 2024, he remained resolute on Monday in the face of demands that he withdraw from the campaign for reelection and demanded an end to the party strife that has divided Democrats since his poor performance in the debate last month.

Trump has until a certain point to choose his VP, but he doesn’t seem to be in a hurry since everyone is still wondering if Joe Biden can serve another four years in office. After his embarrassing performance in last month’s debate, many Democrats have begun to demand that Biden resign as their presumed candidate.

During an interview with Sean Hannity of Fox News Channel on July 8th, Trump expressed his belief that Biden may stay in the race. Not a single person wants to give it up in that manner, Trump said. For quite some time, he will have deep feelings of shame. They’re attempting to remove him, and it’s tough to just give up.

Trump will highlight his unwavering backing in Doral, in a former swing state that has gone Republican. Among the Florida lawmakers expected to attend the event is U.S. Senator Marco Rubio, a native of Miami and a potential vice presidential candidate.

Speaking about the gathering, former Florida state director for Trump’s 2020 reelection campaign and current Miami-Dade County commissioner Kevin Cabrera predicted a tremendous display of solidarity.

Trump will also criticize Biden’s policies on the soaring cost of goods, the economy, and immigration. Trump will also address the impact on Florida of the growing number of illegal aliens.

Due to the Democrat leadership issue, Trump may be waiting to name his running partner to avoid deflecting attention from Biden’s problems. According to senior aides and friends, Trump has not yet decided on his choice for Vice President, and many think the option is still up in the air.