UK to Deploy ‘Spy Trucks’ As Part of Road Safety Measures

“Spy trucks” that can see inside cars are reportedly going to be surveilling a major highway in the coming days.

Enforcement agents will employ HGVs as part of a combined initiative between the National Highways and police to better observe the offenses that speed cameras miss.

Despite being one of the most hazardous roads in the United Kingdom, over 50,000 people use it daily.

Warwickshire Police and National Highways have joined forces to conduct Operation Tramline, an effort to curb risky driving along the route.

According to data compiled by PassMeFast, 7,342 incidents occurred on the M6 between 2007 and 2016.

During that period, 7,627 events occurred on the M1, putting the M6 in second position.

However, with 160 deaths, the M6 surpasses the M1’s 154.

In order to catch crimes that are typically overlooked, a fleet of HGV cabs equipped with surveillance technology are used.

Utilizing the elevated position offered by the HGV to observe and document your driving habits and distractions, like using a cell phone or not wearing a seatbelt, can be seen by police.

More than 46,000 offenses have been documented since the study began in 2015.

At 13,562 cases, not wearing a seatbelt was the most prevalent, followed by 11,965 cases of using a cell phone while driving.

A lady applying cosmetics on the M40 is just one of the more peculiar incidents; another was a van driver who used his knees to steer while his hands were busy eating fast food.

One of the trucks will report you to the authorities, penalize you, and maybe even take points off your license if they catch you.

Inspector Si Paull of the Warwickshire Police Department conveyed his officers’ enthusiasm for participating in operations involving unmarked HGVs owned by the National Highways because it gives them the opportunity to intercept careless drivers like these, who are prone to dangerous accidents.

The “spy trucks” will be conducting patrols along the whole M6 from June 3 to June 9.